Daily Announcements
Friday, September 13
- Please make sure your keeping the campus clean by picking up all your trash.
- Students - please remember that food is not allowed in the library. Eat your breakfast and lunch in the multi-purpose room or outside and then then visit the library.
Thursday, September 12
- No new announcements
Wednesday, September 11
- Archery Begins today! Meet in the gym after school. See Mr. Hanson with any questions.
- 7/8th Football dismisses today at 2:15pm. Please exit your classes quietly and meet your coach in the front office.
Tuesday, September 10
- Archery - turn in your permission slips for archery at the front desk or to your PE teacher. Archery will meet in the main gym after school on Wednesday.
Monday, September 9
- Archery - turn in your permission slips for archery at the front desk or to your PE teacher. Archery will meet in the main gym after school on Wednesday.
- Cross Country practice starts today right after school. Meet in room 7. It is not to late sign up- ask the front office for information.