Principal's Message
Welcome to Philomath Elementary, home of the Falcons! At PES, we like to say, “We SOAR Together” as we grow as a collective team. The word “Philomath” means love of learning. What a wonderful name for a community where the dedication to our children and education is a joy to be part of. Each individual student, staff, and family bring their unique background, interests, and strengths to make our school a thriving place to learn. Whether coming to our fall costume parade, homecoming events, Veteran’s Day assembly, or one of our music productions, community pride is constant here in the community.
“Work hard and play hard” is another mantra at PES. We understand the importance of building a strong foundation with core academics to prepare our students for future success. However, it doesn’t stop there. Having a whole-child focus means we are intentional about integrating physical wellness, music, the arts, and foundational social-emotional skills into our curriculum and schedule. We have great programs implemented within our school dedicated staff and strategically partner with our engaged community organizations with an impressive offering of extracurricular activity. At PES, we help students learn to safely ride bikes, have opportunities to swim, visit our local museum, engage in artists in residence, visit our fantastic local industries, and walk to special events happening at our partner schools. We believe wherever you are in your journey of development, there is always opportunity to grow and we invite everyone who is part of our Falcon community into the joys of life-long learning.
SOAR is an acronym that means, “Safe to self and Others Act Responsibly, and Respect. Our staff team at PES work hard to partner with our families to help all our students gain skills and SOAR high. We celebrate often through assemblies, the Falcon store, attendance goal challenges, and individual classroom programs.
While strong in tradition, we strive to be open to new ideas and opportunities. If you are interested in getting involved in our school, our PTO is always looking for help with field trips, programs (e.g. running club), community building events, and more! Not able to give time but are interested in learning other ways to support PES, don’t hesitate to reach out. Despite our differences, we have much in common and desire to make our local schools an inclusive place in our community. It is truly the power of people working together that make Philomath a special place and there is gratitude in the privilege to serve.
Thank you for taking a moment to check out our website!
Go Falcons,
Eric Beasley
PES Principal