Bus Information
Mid Columbia Bus Company provides bus services for the Philomath School District.
Bus Routes
Must be signed by student and parent
Bus change/special trip permit/T-3 Form
Form Process for Students, Parents and Teachers:
1. Student brings note to school from parent/guardian.
2. School official takes note and issues T-3 form to student.
3. Student brings T-3 Form to bus driver.
Mid Columbia Bus Company requires that your child bring a T-3 Form from their school in order to ride a different bus, or get off at a different designated stop. If you anticipate an upcoming event, please send a note to school with your child to bring to the office before school is dismissed. The T-3 Form can be filled out by a parent and sent in along with a note, but the form MUST ONLY BE SIGNED BY A SCHOOL OFFICIAL. The T-3 form is then delivered by your child, to your child’s bus driver as they board the bus. If plans change during the school day, you must contact the school to have a T-3 Form issued to your student before they are allowed to ride.
For detailed information, please call the bus company at 541-929-5474.
Safe Routes to School Plan
A group of community leaders, parents and school staff met and developed a Safe Routes to School map, outlining the existing routes recommended for children to use to bike and walk to school. The map also identified potential new pathways and streets that could be improved to create better walking and bicycling conditions. This Safe Routes to Schools Plan is a continuation of their effort, and proposes specific improvements along these routes.
Winter Safety
On dark winter mornings, make sure you are visible to others. Place reflective markings on your clothing or carry a flashlight. Our first priority is the safety of our students.
Bus & Fire Lane Safety
The lane between the high school and middle school is a bus and fire lane. Bus drivers record license plate numbers of drivers violating state laws regarding loading and unloading of school buses. Those numbers are given to the Philomath Police Department, and contact is made with the registered owner. Please do not use this lane ... help us keep all of our students safe.
Bus Stop Etiquette
Please have students at the bus stop 5 minutes before the bus is due. Drivers are on a strict schedule and cannot sit and wait. If students miss the bus, please do not follow it to the next stop so they can jump on. The area between the rear wheels and front wheels on a bus is known as the "Danger Zone," and the driver may not see students walking in this area. Please drive your child to school if they miss the bus; it is much safer than following the bus and letting them out in the "Danger Zone."
Inclement Weather
Inclement Weather/School Closure Information
Mid Columbia Bus Co.
6995 SW West Hills Road
Corvallis, OR 97333
Phone: 541-929-5474
Fax: 541-929-5477