This section of this site will be in process as we update. You can find our policies on our old site by clicking HERE.
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- Athletics
- Board Members
- Community
- Emergency
- Financial
- General
- Employment information
- Kitchen
- Preschool
- Student-Related
- Teaching-Related
- Volunteering
KVP9003a Conditions for starting an OSAA high school activity
Describes the conditions that must be met before the KVCS board would approve this type of activity.
KVP 9005a Location of a Co-op Sports Activity
Policy to determine where a co-op sports activity will be located.
KVP 9006a Emergency Procedures during athletic events
Policy to explain the procedures during events in case of emergency.
Board Members
KVP1009a Policy for Board Member Agenda
Sets a general dates to coordinate school management with board meetings topics.
KVP1004a Policy on Board Members in Paid Positions
Defines the policy for procedures
KVP1006C Procedure for Board Member Orientation and Selection
Defines the important documents and process for reviewing those documents for new board members.
KVP1007a Procedure for Documenting Review of Policies and Procedures
Defines the procedure to close the loop on ensuring the proper people are aware of the policies
KVP1005a Policy to Define Standard Guidelines for Board Member Communication
Defines the guidelines for board member communications including confidentiality, interaction with the staff and public.
KVP8003a Policy for Outside Organizations On Site During the School Day
Defines the parameters for having an outside organization on site during the school day.
KVP8005a Volunteer Handbook and Policies
Defines the practices and procedures that volunteers must follow to ensure the safety of students and adults.
Blood Borne Pathogen Exposure Procedure
Describes what to do in situations where blood borne pathogens are exposed
KVP5100b Earthquake Drill Procedure
Describes what steps need to be taken during an earthquake drill
Describes what steps need to be taken in the event of an all-school lockdown
KVP2002a Procedure for Emergency Late Bus
Defines emergency procedures and staff roles in the case the school bus is not available to take students to their homes.
KVP7011a Authority to assign fund balances
Policy Granting Authorization for Specific Members of Management to Assign Fund Balances.
KVP7008a Cash Account Management
Defines the procedures for opening/closing accounts and authorizing wire transfers.
Defines the procedures and timeline for changing passwords associated with financial accounts.
Defines the roles and responsibilities of people connected to the school's financial accounts.
KVP7014a Policy Setting Priority to Spend Restricted Funds Before Unrestricted Funds
Describes the priority in spending funds.
KVP7000b Procedure for Handling Cash On Hand at the School
Describes the procedure for handling cash on hand at the school.
KVP7013a Process for committing funds
Describes the process for committing funds
Define actions to keep the stakeholders in the school accountable to each other.
Document defining expectations related to the mission, developing strategies for achievement of expectations, and designing tools to measure progress of expectations, etc.
KVP5012a Authorized Persons Riding the School Bus
To define Kings Valley Charter School’s policy for authorized persons riding the bus.
These are the by-laws of the non-profit organization that operates the Kings Valley Charter School.
KVP5014a Defer to Philomath School District Policy when no KVCS policy exists
To direct all PSKV and KVCS employees and board members, parents and students in all decisions when no KVCS Policy exists.
KVR5001S Enrollment Caps Record
This document defines the current enrollment limits per grade. The board can update this record at public meetings.
Describes the process and deadlines for establishing enrollment caps in each classroom.
KVP2000a Procedure for issuance of keys and to lock up the building
Defines the procedure and record keeping for key distribution and the procedure for locking up the building.
KV1000b Procedure for Creating, Modifying, and Storing Important Document
Defines the process for creating, modifying and storing important documents.
Employment information
KVP3000b Due Process for Termination of an Employee for Performance Reasons
Defines the procedure for the formal steps in correcting employee performance including verbal and written warnings.
KVP2001a Procedure for Hiring an Administrator
Defines the procedure for hiring an administrator including the roles of the board, community and staff.
KVP2004b Procedure for Hiring Non-Teaching Staff
Defines the procedure for hiring non-teaching staff
KVP6003a Procedure for Operating the Dishwasher
Defines the procedure for operating the dishwasher located in the school kitchen.
KVP6002a Procedure for Operating the Large Ovens
Defines the procedure for operating the large ovens located in the school kitchen.
KVP6001a Procedure for Operating the Stove
Defines the procedure for operating the stove located in the school kitchen.
KVP9000a Policy for Preschool Admission and Pricing
The objective of this policy to define class size limits, age limits, pricing, and accountability
KVP6006a Guidance to staff for pregnant and parenting students
Guidance to staff for pregnant and parenting students
KVP4000d Credit for Previous Learning
Policy for how KVCS will award credit for previous learning
KVP4001a Expanded Options Program at Community College
General Philosophy and guidelines related to the Expanded Options Program at local community colleges
KVP4002a Alternative Options to Fulfill PE Credit
General Philosophy and guidelines related to the Expanded Options Program at local community colleges
KVP6007h Grading Options for High School Classes
Describes grading options for high school classes
Describes legal rights and responsibilities of the school in relation to serious behavior issues.
KVP9001a Distance-Learning Policy
Outlines requirements for students to be enrolled in distance learning courses.
KVP5013a Employing Students Policy
To define Kings Valley Charter School’s policy for hiring students as staff.
Establishes general guidelines for the meal program, snacks, and birthday party policies.
KVP6009a Policy for graduation after the ceremony
Policy for students who have not completed credits before the ceremony (work done during the summer following grad. ceremony).
KVP5003a Policy for Handling Prescription Medication to Students
Defines the procedure for handling prescription medication at the school.
KVP9004b Regular-ed students, accommodation for changing classes
Policy to Provide direction to staff in allowing regular education students to deviate from the normal schedule.
KVP9004b Regular-ed students, accommodation for changing classes
Policy to Provide direction to staff in allowing regular education students to deviate from the normal schedule.
KVP9002c Student Development-Based Placement Policy
Defines the criteria for promotion and retention of students. Describes KVCS goals for student placement in courses. (Has also been called "Students at Challenge Level" policy)
KVP5008a Criteria defining meeting and exceeding goals
Defines the criteria for meeting and exceeding goals on the PEP
KVP6004F Positive Behavior Supports Program Description
Describes the positive behavior supports program.
KVP6000G Student Assessment Plan (2023)
Defines the assessments and schedule to measure student progress.
KVCS Title IX Information
Michael Chung: Title IX Coordinator and Investigator
Michael Chung: Decision Maker
Athena Lodge : Appeals