Start-of-School FAQs

If your student is starting the 24-25 school year at KVCS, you may have some questions.  Feel free to reach out to our staff with other questions, but here are some of the most common ones.

What day does school start? This varies by grade:

Grades 6-12 first day is September 3

Grades 1-5 first day is September 4

Kindergarten - assessments on September 4 and September 5 (parents will receive communication), first day of school is September 6


What time does school start? 8:05am

What time does school end? 3:00pm for K-5, 3:05pm for 6-12, early release for all grades on Fridays at 1:00pm

The full-year school calendar is available HERE as a pdf.

When will the bus pickup/drop off? For safety reasons, we do not post specific bus route information online.  Please complete this form so we know you want your student to ride the bus in the 24-25 school year, and more info will be communicated.  DO NOT complete the form if your student does not attend KVCS.  This form is ONLY for KVCS students who have a confirmed spot in a class/grade. Thank you. 

School Supplies:  Are posted on THIS PAGE

School Meals information:  Families can complete the federal free/reduced lunch application for 24-25. If you need accommodations or have dietary restrictions, please see our LUNCH INFORMATION PAGE for forms to fill out for our staff. 

When will my middle/high student have a schedule? As soon as we can, but it may not be until school begins.  We appreciate your patience. 

How does my student get involved in athletics? Contact Michael Chung

School-to-Parent/Guardian Communication: KVCS uses Parent Square as a communication tool.  You will receive emails, text, phone calls or notifications in the Parent Square App.  This happens automatically when students are enrolled at KVCS.  You can download the app and register your account to make the most of this tool! (Full functionality of ParentSquare will be available once the first day of school starts. There is limited functionality during the summer months)

KVCS Title IX Information

Michael Chung:  Title IX Coordinator and Investigator 

Michael Chung: Decision Maker

Athena Lodge : Appeals

Title IX Grievance Process (link to google doc)