Emergency Info
Inclement Weather and Emergency Information
Please note that KVCS serves families in various areas and multiple school districts. Weather conditions at the school may not be the same as where you live. Other school districts may choose to operate differently than KVCS or the Philomath District. Please use your best judgment on whether you want your child in school (if we are open) as weather conditions vary greatly in our area.
Ways to find out if school is delayed or cancelled (announced by 6am) :
1. Parents/Guardians should automatically receive emergency alerts/closure information via the ParentSquare platform. These come via text/phone/email. If you are not receiving an alert, please contact the main office.
2. Our website should have the current situation for KVCS (delay/closure/cancellation) posted on the front page*, in a pop-up. There may be more than one pop-up, so be sure to check for any additional "page pops" specific to KVCS.
3. Check our facebook page*
*power outages may prevent these means of communication. We will make every effort to get word out through local media if we don't have power.
The following are links to the Philomath School District website:
School Closure Information - Click here for latest updates
*Inclement Weather and School Closure Policy
Receive the most current emergency/closure information on your cell phone or email. To register, use any browser except Internet Explorer: Go to www.FlashAlert.net
*If school is delayed or canceled, it will be announced over area radio stations, including KLOO 1340 AM, KLOO 106.3 FM, and KRKT 99.9 FM, KXPC 103.7 FM. We always notify these stations by 6:00 a.m. (PSD Policy).
*If we need to close school early due to changing weather conditions, we will alert radio stations, send out an email, and do our best to contact parents (provided conditions allow phone/electricity). If we are unable to reach parents, we will call emergency contact numbers.
Kings Valley Weather
KVCS Title IX Information
Michael Chung: Title IX Coordinator and Investigator
Michael Chung: Decision Maker
Athena Lodge : Appeals