Welcome to Clemens Primary
Clemens Primary is fortunate to have an exceptional staff of teachers, specialists and instructional assistants. We are committed to creating a positive learning environment in which all students learn to think critically, creatively and reflectively. At CPS, students will learn to communicate through reading, writing, speaking and listening. They will use current technology, apply science and math concepts, participate as a member of a cooperative them, demonstrate mastery and application of knowledge, and become self-directed learners.
We have approximately 200 students enrolled in grades PK-1. We offer two preschools in the building, specialized Title I Reading instruction, speech and language services, RTI (Response to Intervention) programs, and SMART (Start Making a Reader Today) opportunities. We also provide an inclusion program for children with special needs. Music and physical education classes are scheduled twice a week for all of our KG and 1st grade students, and library services are offered once a week.
We believe:
● Family and school are partners in helping each child reach their full potential and in the development of a life-long love of learning.
● Children bring their own sets of unique experiences to the learning environment that enhances their ability to construct knowledge.
● Children learn responsibility by solving problems and experiencing the consequences of their decisions.
● We value the assistance and dedication of all or our classroom volunteers. They provide a worthwhile and immeasurable service to our children and staff!
Best wishes for an enjoyable year,
Abby Couture
Our Mission: Together we nurture, respect and challenge all individuals to become responsible, independent, life-long learners. |
Students Served
Clemens Primary School serves approximately 160 students.
Report Card
Please view the 2017-2018 Clemens Primary School Report Card issued by the Oregon Department of Education to learn more about our school.
English Spanish